When a player looks at something, i want it to dissapear

honestly i have no code for this because i dont have a single clue how to make it

Use Camera:WorldToViewportPoint() to see if a point is visible based on the direction the camera is facing and Camera:GetPartsObscuringTarget() to see if said point is obscured by any terrain/parts.

you can try this code

--get player mouse
local Players = game.Players
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")

local LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer
local mouse = LocalPlayer:GetMouse()

	if mouse.Target ~= nil then --check is player mouse.Target is not nil
		if mouse.Target:IsA("Part") then --check is player mouse.Target is a part

That will focus on mouse not character

Do ray cast from humanoidRootPart or Head look vector and extend that by x studs. Im on mobile so i cant type this for you