When changing the CFrame CurrentCamera starts jitter

I apologize in advance, I am not a native English speaker and use a translator.

Video – This is a clear example of what is happening

I tried to change CameraType, but it didn’t help, I would really like to find a solution


if not game.Loaded then

--// Main setup

--| Service's;

local PlayersService = game:GetService("Players");
local RunService      = game:GetService("RunService");

--| Variable's

local LocalPlayer    = PlayersService.LocalPlayer;


local Character      = PlayersService.LocalPlayer.Character;
local Humanoid       = Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid");

local CurrectCamera  = workspace.CurrentCamera;

--// Main

local function Stepped(delta: number)
    local standingz = math.sin(tick() * 10) / 45;
    CurrectCamera.CFrame *= CFrame.Angles(0, 0, standingz);

--// Callback's;


What’s the issue?

Also, you don’t need to use ‘;’. It’s not JavaScript.

Watch the video, if you look closely, you can see that the camera seems to be trying to return to its normal state, which leads to the displacement of objects
I’m just still writing in C++ and I need to not get out of the habit of putting ; at the end of the lines)