I apologize in advance, I am not a native English speaker and use a translator.
I tried to change CameraType, but it didn’t help, I would really like to find a solution
if not game.Loaded then
--// Main setup
--| Service's;
local PlayersService = game:GetService("Players");
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService");
--| Variable's
local LocalPlayer = PlayersService.LocalPlayer;
local Character = PlayersService.LocalPlayer.Character;
local Humanoid = Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid");
local CurrectCamera = workspace.CurrentCamera;
--// Main
local function Stepped(delta: number)
local standingz = math.sin(tick() * 10) / 45;
CurrectCamera.CFrame *= CFrame.Angles(0, 0, standingz);
--// Callback's;
I can see now you need to use math.rad when you useing CFrame.Angles()
code ex :
local function Stepped(delta: number)
local standingz = math.sin(tick() * 10) / 45;
CurrectCamera.CFrame *= CFrame.Angles(0, 0, math.rad(standingz));
I’m not sure as to what you want. It’s expected behavior based on the code that you currently have.
math.sin(tick() * l) / d
-- let l be speed of sine wave
-- let d be damper of sine wave
If you don’t want it to look like your eyes are playing tricks on you, decrease d (45 in your code) by a bit. This should make the wobble more visible.
About this, I asked 1 person to help me look at it, he had the same thing, but when I wrote to the Russian-language forum, the person replied to me that this was not happening with him.
This could possibly be a hardware issue. Try running this and disable your third party programs, possibly by using “Safe mode with networking” in the Windows Boot Manager menu. On mac, you can try single user mode.
Edit: what is the position of the part you are viewing with the camera?