Says in the title.
I have a GUI, when I click a button I want it to show a different GUI to EVERYONE in the server.
Says in the title.
I have a GUI, when I click a button I want it to show a different GUI to EVERYONE in the server.
Use a remote event to make the gui enabled to everyone. Then have a counter for how many seconds the gui is enabled then disable the gui or make it not visible.
Local script
local gui = player.PlayerGui:WaitForChild('GUI') -- put the gui in startergui and disable it. Or an alternative is to have a local script in StarterCharacterScripts and put a local script inside, put the gui in replicated storage, and clone it into the player gui.
gui.Enabled = true
if gui.Enabled == true then
gui.Enabled = false
In replicated storage do I need something?
Sorry forgot to define variables. For the local script
local Button = script.Parent
local RemoteEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage.RemoteEvent -- to answer the question you only need the remote event, but you can insert the gui as I stated earlier
Script Variables
local RemoteEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage.RemoteEvent -- side note, add WaitForChild() just in case