So I have a issue
Im tryna have a copy of each player inside a folder inside replicatedStorage
and heres the code for that
local function characterAdded(char)
if not charClones:FindFirstChild(char.Name) then
char.Archivable = true
local newChar = char:Clone()
newChar.Parent = charClones
char.Archivable = false
as you see the character gets cloned and all of there children are there
but when I clone that character again then the character appearance gets removed
and heres the code for when i clone the character again
local randomSpawnPoint = npcSpawnPoints:GetChildren()[math.random(#npcSpawnPoints:GetChildren())]
randomSpawnPoint.Parent = npcUsedSpawnPoints
local randomNpc = charClones:GetChildren()[math.random(#charClones:GetChildren())]:Clone()
randomNpc:PivotTo(randomSpawnPoint.CFrame *, 3, 0))
randomNpc.Parent = randomSpawnPoint
and this is how im suppose to look (beautiful ik)