When cloning a cloned character from character added event, the character appearance gets removed

So I have a issue

Im tryna have a copy of each player inside a folder inside replicatedStorage

and heres the code for that

	local function characterAdded(char)
		if not charClones:FindFirstChild(char.Name) then
			char.Archivable = true
			local newChar = char:Clone()
			newChar.Parent = charClones
			char.Archivable = false

as you see the character gets cloned and all of there children are there

Screenshot (757)

but when I clone that character again then the character appearance gets removed

Screenshot (759)

and heres the code for when i clone the character again

		local randomSpawnPoint = npcSpawnPoints:GetChildren()[math.random(#npcSpawnPoints:GetChildren())]
		randomSpawnPoint.Parent = npcUsedSpawnPoints		
		local randomNpc = charClones:GetChildren()[math.random(#charClones:GetChildren())]:Clone()
		randomNpc:PivotTo(randomSpawnPoint.CFrame * CFrame.new(0, 3, 0))
		randomNpc.Parent = randomSpawnPoint

and this is how im suppose to look (beautiful ik)

There is a different event you should use, character appearance loaded to make sure the appearance is not there and not missing by the time you clone it.

Ohh it works now, thanks. (30 chaearacters)