Hi! I would like to clone an already made UI object located in the ServerStorage. But everytime I try to clone it and modify it’s properties. I get a “no found” error. When checking the explorer I’ve just noticed the object has all of it’s descendants missing.
The objects are all marked as archivable, so I don’t know if I’m missing something.
Here is the complete code and some screenshots.
Players = game:GetService("Players")
ServerStorage = game:GetService("ServerStorage")
ServerScriptService = game:GetService("ServerScriptService")
CollectionService = game:GetService("CollectionService")
DatabaseModule = require(ServerScriptService.DatabaseModule)
playerDonationFrameTemplate = ServerStorage.UI.PlayerDonationFrame
playersScrollingFrame = script.Parent.ScrollingFrame
topDonatorPlayers = {}
topDonatorRobux = {}
--Refresh the UI deleting old frame and replacing them with new ones with updated info
function RefreshUI()
--Refresh Info
topDonatorPlayers, topDonatorRobux = DatabaseModule.GetTopDonators()
--Destroy all the old frames
local oldFrames = CollectionService:GetTagged("PlayerDonationFrameUI")
for i, frame in ipairs(oldFrames) do
--Create new frames
for i, donatorId in ipairs(topDonatorPlayers) do
local newFrame = playerDonationFrameTemplate:Clone()
newFrame.Parent = playersScrollingFrame
newFrame.PlayerText.Text = Players:GetPlayerByUserId(donatorId).Name
newFrame.RobuxText.Text = topDonatorRobux(i)
newFrame.PlayerImage.Image = Players:GetUserThumbnailAsync(donatorId, Enum.ThumbnailType.HeadShot)
while true do
How it should look
How it actually looks after cloned
As you can see all the childs of the object are missing.
Here’s the error:
06:47:59.901 PlayerText is not a valid member of Frame "Workspace.GlobalBillboard.DonationsBoard.SurfaceGui.ParentFrame.PlayersFrame.ScrollingFrame.PlayerDonationFrame" - Server - TopDonatorsLogic:44
06:47:59.901 Stack Begin - Studio
06:47:59.901 Script 'Workspace.GlobalBillboard.DonationsBoard.SurfaceGui.ParentFrame.PlayersFrame.TopDonatorsLogic', Line 44 - function RefreshUI - Studio - TopDonatorsLogic:44
06:47:59.901 Script 'Workspace.GlobalBillboard.DonationsBoard.SurfaceGui.ParentFrame.PlayersFrame.TopDonatorsLogic', Line 56 - Studio - TopDonatorsLogic:56
06:47:59.901 Stack End - Studio
Any help is appreciated