When closing a tab, Studio may highlight an incorrect tab instead of the tab that is still active

In Studio, when closing a tab to the left of the current active tab, Studio may highlight a tab that is not active instead of keeping the current open tab highlighted.

Studio Version

Version 0.625.0.6250509 (64bit)

Enabled Beta Features

  • Dragger QoL Improvements
  • Grass Length Customization
  • Multilayer Wrap Fix
  • New Base Materials
  • Notched Screen Support
  • Terrain Editor
  • UIListLayout Flex Features
  • Updated Roblox Controls

Reproduction Steps

These steps reproduce the issue 100% of the time.

  1. Open a new baseplate project in Studio.
  2. Insert three scripts anywhere in the datamodel and name them Script1, Script2, and Script3.
  3. Double click on all of the scripts to open them and order them as shown below:
  4. In each of the scripts, add a comment stating the name of the script (e.g. -- Script1 inside Script1).
  5. Open Script2 it in the script editor.
  6. Close Script1.
  • The Script3 tab will be darkened and the Script2 tab lightened, even though Script2 is still the active tab.
  1. Write anything in the current active tab then select the Script2 tab.
  • Whatever you write will be written in Script2, even though Script3 is shown as the active tab.
  1. Select the Script3 tab and close the Script2 tab.
  • The Place1 tab will now be highlighted, even though Script3 is still the active tab.

Expected behavior

After step 6, the Script2 tab should remain darkened since it is still the active tab, and the Script3 tab should not be darkened.
Code written in step 7 should be written into Script2, but the Script2 tab should be darkened since it is the active tab.
After step 8, the Script3 tab should remain darkened since it is still the active tab, and the Place1 tab should not be darkened.

A private message is associated with this bug report


Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

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