When coloring particles with LightEmission 1 to black they become transparent

Hello! I wanted to make vfx effect of explosion, and wanted to make smoke.
Firsly i made smoke color orange and set LightEmission to 1 that makes it glow at the start in ColorSequence, but when i changed ColorSequence at the end to black, i saw that particles just becomes transparent, not turns black! How can i make particles don’t be transparent and at the same time make them glow while they are orange?
Also say if i chose not right category for this problem, please!

– LightEmission –
The LightEmission property determines the blending of the ParticleEmitter.Texture’s colors with the colors behind them. It should be set on the range [0, 1]. A value of 0 uses normal blending modes, and a value of 1 will use additive blending. The value of the additive blending is determined by this property. When changed, this property instantly affects all particles owned by the emitter, both current and future particles.

When set to 1, only additive blending is used. As such, choosing a suitable ParticleEmitter.Texture is necessary. Below is an example texture that is suitable for such a ParticleEmitter.

This property should not be confused with ParticleEmitter.LightInfluence, which determines how particles are affected by environment light. This property does not cause particles to light the environment around them. To do that, consider using a PointLight.

If you want to make the particles glow but keep the black then you need to learn a little bit about scripting.


local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")

local Particle = script.Parent.ExplosionEffect
local ExposeBlack = TweenService:Create(Particle, TweenInfo.New(2), {LightEmission = 0})

You can thank me later.

I already learnt how to script.
So, i need to use the scripts? Why they just didn’t add a LightEmission thing like they did with size?
I will try your method, thanks for helping!

you’re welcome.
did anything work out?

Sorry, at last time i’m so busy. When i will have time to try it - i will say you works it or not.

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