When creating a decal in a group, the page reloads on the default page

I thought it was better to create this post than bump the old one (Group uploading decal bug).

When you are uploading a decal to a group from the group’s develop page, the decal list part of the page will refresh to your (not the group’s) decals.

You can still create a decal for the group in this mode, and your URL stays on the group, only the decal list part changes.

GIF example (provided by @GeorgeOfAIITrades):


I do not know exactly when this started occurring, but it’s been happening for me as long as I have been uploading decals to a group. The first bug report for this was posted in 2015.


This is still occuring for me as well.

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Still happening for me, really annoying when uploading decals in large quantities.


Came here to bump this as it still happens, and there is no staff response yet.

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This issue has been fixed, sorry for the delay. This issue was for any group created assets (not exclusive to decals.) Please reply again if there are any other asset types doing this.

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