When DMing DevEngagementTeam I should not get international engagement teams as suggestions except for ones I am in

I had to DM the developer engagement team however doing that was a pain. I kept getting suggestions for the Brazilian/Portuguese team, the French one, and other languages. The “main” one wasn’t even suggested first, and when I tried to type it in myself it said it wasn’t valid even though it was. I was finally able to DM the group by going on the group’s page and clicking the Message button.

The only international category I am in is the Spanish one, so if anything I should only be suggested The ESDevEngagementTeam (and of course the main one) and not any others because I am not in those categories.

Here is a screenshot.


I am not in the Brazilian, German, nor French Developers group so I am not interested in DMing one of their engagement teams.

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I believe each international DET are just for working around users that are pretty much limited on knowledge of English. :thinking:

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Strange, always thought the original DevEngagementTeam would be a suggestion at the very top then the other international ones.

The reason why the original DevEngagementTeam is not at the top is because it is in alphabetical order.

yeah, but it would be easier if it was at the top

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