"When does it end?"

Hey fellas! Back at it again, just building my skills ova here. Things seem to be working out, I uhh… don’t exactly know the meaning behind the piece but it’s just random anyway haha. Tell me what you think!


It would look better if the policeman was aiming at his head but that’s still pretty neat

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Not the biggest fan of the effects you used, but it still looks really nice! Great job. :sun_with_face:

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Just letting u know having a big watermark across the whole img

Overall its good

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Cool GFX! But I don’t know what the Red and Orange/Amber/Yellow colors are for. But still cool GFX :slight_smile:

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Nothing in theory, just for exaggerated effects

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I dont really like putting giant watermarks over my work, unless its for clients before they pay. I don’t really mind if anyone steals this to be honest, it would be flattering if anything :slight_smile: thanks btw!