Offical Story Of When Dust Settles: Sandstorm, In Chronological Order.
Expect updates to this post frequently.
Story Starts Here:
Ever since the bombing of . 3 UPOC Settlements the UPOC have decided to push all their resources over to securing locations with resources and their last settlement in Maple-Wood, Maple Overlook. -4-
The citizens of Maple-Overlook are restricted from exiting without arming themselves. No new people are allowed in Maple-Overlook without a background check. The UPOC claim that this will allow them to properly defend against the NLF and FDB by restricting access to spys or allies to the aformentioned factions.
Maple-Overlook is under heavy control and protection. The farm is gaurded 24/7 and the perimeter is also constantly monitored by snipers. Some consider this to be a bit overkill and some others say it helps with their safety.
People worry that this only makes the opposing factions more irritated with the UPOC and they fear that they may be raided. However, bisuness is as usual for now…
One night, word got out about how the NLF had killed 4 CCCPF Soldiers and injured 3 more. This caused the UPOC to put up propoganda against the NLF. During that night, NLF Sympithizers were boycotted, their goods stolen and they were beaten inches from death. Some people even suggested they hang them.
The reason why is was such as shock is that most of the rich people Living in Maple-Overlook had atleast 1 relative in the CCCPF. So, the rich decided to pay the poorer people to start harrasing the NLF Sympithizers.
The UPOC recived word of the CCCPF’s potentiel retaliation but they didnt know when they would retaliate. Many people didnt want to get caught up in the fighting since Maple Overlook was close to the *CCCPF Bunker & CFB Alexandria
One propaganda page requested people to straight up raid the, mind you heavily defended CFB Alexandria.
This was identified as a hoax. ^^^
One day, A NLF Scavenging Team found an old peice of technology. The PED or Personeal Entertainment Device. A Wrist-Mounted, Compact Tablet. Created in the Early 2050s the PED can play music, news broadcasts, movies, chat, record and take pictures. Most of these features require and internet conection so they are rendered useless but they can still play music & broadcast news.
The NLF wansn’t public about this discovery but word got out when a UPOC spy discovered it on one NLF guards wrist. He reported this to his Mission Commander who informed the CCCPF. The NLF have no idea that these 2 factions know but they are now attempting to replicate the technology using some spare PED’s that were found in a delivery truck 2 days later.
The PED {Personal Entertainment Device} is a wrist mounted tablet capable of playing music, broadcasting news, recording, play movies and has a built in chat app. They were developed in 2053 following WW3. After the Allies {USA, Canada, Britan, France & South America} won they decided they needed a better way to communicate with soldiers on the feild so they developed the PCD {Later Modernized For Civilian Use into a PED} to instantly voice communicate with other people/person(s) on your channel. You can also share your location, broadcast your camera and call drone strikes.
Types Of PEDs
As we mentioned, there are 2 types but within those 2 groups their exist multiple variants. The UPOC are planning to develop a PCD for their soldiers. The NLF have already turned their PED back into a PCD and the CCCPF are planning to make 2 variants. 1 Civilian PED and 1 CCCPF PCD.
Existing Varients:
NLF PCD - Only 2 PCD’s are held by the NLF. They could have more.
Civilian PED - In Early Development, Based of a PED found in a delivery truck
CCCPF PCD - Re-make of a Civilian PED
As more variants continue to be made, it may become a common property amoung wastelanders.