When entering the teleportation area, Camera Subject changes

Hello, it’s me again…Do you guy’s know how to change the CameraSubject once a player enters the Teleportation Area?


**For more information, As you request…If you enter the Teleportation Area, Your camera subject will be set to this part here.


Create a touch part with a script that fires to the client whenever the part is touched.

Then put this code into a local script and edit the code so it executives when the event is fired.

local pos = Vector3.new(150, 70, -110)
local lookAt = Vector3.new(25, 25, -100)
local cameraCFrame = CFrame.new(pos, lookAt)

game.Workspace.Camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable
game.Workspace.Camera.CFrame = cameraCFrame
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