When i created a new roblox account and published a game on its profile the place went under review for false reasons

Hello developers,
I’ve got some issue. I created a new account and published a new game/published changes to the default place the game went under review 5 minutes later after changes were made.
Later The new account i’ve created recieved a warning (ban) with a notification that the game has been closed for nudity.
The fact is that the only changes to the game i’ve made was adding a simple part to it. That’s all!
After i re-activated the account i checked my messages but no message was sent about community standards violation.
I think this is unfair because roblox thought i was a bot just because i created a brand new account and then instantly made my first changes to the game.
Is this a bug or something roblox needs to fix? I am 100% sure that the action was taken by a auto moderation or something.
Let me know if you’ve experienced something similar…


This is Roblox moderation. Terrible.
Also, are you sure you only added a part? Like, no free models or any malicious plugins? Free models and plugins have backdoors. If you have not inserted any free models, then it is the moderation fault.


Could you atleast include some details about the game you posted?


I was on my alt account and all I did was inserting a new part and then I clicked on undo so no changes were made. After that I published the no changes to Roblox. After that I closed studio and joined the game from Roblox Player. However things started to get weird after I got disconnected from the game with a reason “Client initiated disconnect”. I closed the game and refreshed the page but the game was still up and my account wasn’t banned, nor I received a message from Roblox about actions being taken on my Roblox game.
I opened my studio to check the game and I saw someone in the studio editing my game (like when you and your friends are on team create). He disconnected quickly once I fully loaded but there was someone editing my game. (Also note that i had the team create turned off).
I closed the studio, refreshed the page on the website and got redirected to /not-approved where i got a warning.
In the warning, it said that my game was closed for nudity but once I reactivated my account the game was still up and I had no messages in my inbox from Roblox.
I thought that this could be a bug or something but then the game went under review until now.
I don’t know who was editing my game but it could be a staff member.

Hmm, only a part? Well, this is moderation. lol. It could be the user that was editing your game. Or maybe a bug? Probably, the random user.

Like i said, the team create was turned off, i had no people friended and i made that account to test something. (but I have decided to publish before I even added anything.)
If I had team create turned off, no people in my friend list then how was someone editing my game once I opened studio.

That sucks, is the game fine now?