When I insert a helmet for a GFX the color doesn't match it

Hello I recently made another post about the same helmet moving far away which someone found the answer to it, but now when I insert the helmet the faces on the bottom of it for like the robe part is red while the top part is black like its suppose to be. I tried changed the base color but that didn’t work. Does anyone else have the same problem or knows a fix to it?

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This can occur often.
It is probably textures mixing up with other textures.
Example: A fedora got a color and texture from a beret, but stay’s inside the fedora look.
Try putting the texture in a different folder.

Well the textures are just roblox colors so how would I do that?

I tried seperating the cape and the helmet and putting them into two seperate folders but that still didn’t work.

Re work the texture and put them in seperate folders

How would I do that, if you don’t mind me asking.

Open the texture, and you can draw on it, add things on it ect…