Plane.rbxm (56.9 KB)
How can I make it so that when I shoot someone with my plane they die on both clients
When I shoot at them (using F while flying) they die on my screen but stay alive on theirs. That player stays invisible for me until that player dies or resets.
The script itself isn’t mine I took it from a different plane with had the same problem. I’ve searched for other scripts but couldn’t find one I liked or worked.
On a local script, detect their input such as WASD using userinputservice (which I suspect you have already done so no worries with this part). Then, use a remote event, which allows you send messages from the local script to the server. In the remote event, tell a server script what key the player presses. Then move the plane and detect hit and death in the server script.
You must understand that if you want anyone else to see what you do, it must be done on the server using a server script. If you do it on the client through a local script, only you will see it while others will not. To run on the server, fire a message to the server using a remote event.
Also note that input detection such as the ‘F’ key press can only be detected on the client (a local script), so you must start with detection on the local script before transferring to the server the information.