When I make a video on the computer and post it, I can not play it on my IPad

When I make videos on the computer and post them, I always like to check them again, I discovered that the videos just stay with a white screen on my iPad.

The first video I saw was one I made on my IPad, it showed that it worked, however the second one, which is the one I made on the computer, stayed white and did not change.

iPad type:

  • iPad Air 2

Computer type:

  • Windows 10

Recording used on Windows 10:

Recording used on IPad Air 2:

  • Screen Record

Thanks for Reading!!

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Are you able to reproduce this at meta.discourse.org? If so you should be requesting a fix over there.


I do not use discord, so I posted it here.

What type of file is it saving as?
Your iPad video program may not be compatible with the Windows 10 file type. You may need a different viewer.

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Discourse, not Discord. Discourse is the software of our forum.

Any bugs that happen on our forum caused by updates from Discourse should be reported in the link incapaz provided.


What are you talking about. This forum uses Discourse which is a forum software. This is not its own forum software. Of course it is personalized with a few plugins here and there but a lot of bugs happen from Discourse’s end so they should be addressed there.


I believe this is a problem with iOS and MacOS’ QuickTime video player, not with DevForum or Discourse. You should probably contact Apple Support; this doesn’t seem to be a DevForum problem.

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OP uses a Windows 10 computer.

It is likely an issue with Discourse however OP has yet to respond if they were able to reproduce this over there.

Well, OP has not said if the issue persists on PC. As a previous poster said, it might be a file type issue. I’m pretty sure .wmv files are not supported on iOS.

I would suggest upgrading your graphics drivers, and by the way this isn’t anything really to do with Roblox.

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I don’t think OP can update graphics drivers on iPad…