Ok this is getting Ridiculous I have tried and tried this and Still my Roblox game wont load in Studio
This is it in Studio While I’m Editing
This is It in Game:
Please anyone Help Ty!
Ok this is getting Ridiculous I have tried and tried this and Still my Roblox game wont load in Studio
This is it in Studio While I’m Editing
This is It in Game:
Please anyone Help Ty!
Ensure that your parts are anchored.
Have you added spawn locations?
Why did you close your previous post about the same problem.
You didn’t answer any of my questions in that post.
Oh I had to go And Roblox Shut it down
2 pictures doesn’t explain exactly what is going on. You have to be really specific so we can help you.
Answer questions like:
When you say “test my own Roblox game” do you mean test in Studio, or when you play on the site?
Is the skybox the only difference?
Is your baseplate or other Parts not in the game when you play it?
Do you fall when you join and keep dying?
You may have a model or a compromised plugin that’s adding a script to your place. If this happens while play testing in Studio you can type “script” in the Search tool at the top of the Explorer window (compare while Studio play testing and in Studio) to search for any scripts that you haven’t added.
Also please quit using vague descriptions for your title. “need help with something in studio” doesn’t let anyone know what issue you are having, so either people won’t read it, or they’ll waste their time reading it if they can’t help out.
A title like “when I test my game in Studio everything disappears” or "when I play my game on Roblox everything disappears.
Try using “Run” instead of “Play” or “Play here” and you’ll see what happens exactly. If the parts suddenly drop then there’s a script that’s Unanchoring everything. If the Parts just disappear then a script is deleting everything.
Ok I will Test all of those things Thanks for the Help❤️
Ok So I tried Everything and Still Nothing Works
All My Parts are anchored
No, The skybox is not the one I’m Talking about
I did Run and Play Here And Still Nothing
Really Sucks.
But when you tried Run what happened?
Did the parts disappear?
Did they drop?
Run plays instantly so it doesn’t have the loading lag. If a script causes the parts to become unanchored then the parts will fall and deleted parts will suddenly disappear if a script is causing it.
If your parts are still anchored when you press Run, but they aren’t in the Workspace window they may be moved a thousand studs away, or are being made transparent.
You have 3 scripts showing at the top of your screen in Studio.
Try disabling every script in your place one at a time before testing to see if that makes a difference.
Ok Ty so Much!
I tested a new Place and It works Normally!!!
Could have been a script I did not know!
Thank you!
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