When I try to test the game all I see is the skybox

I had been working on a project on and off for a couple of months and when I returned to it I got rid of a couple of models and terrain. I’ve tried testing this for weeks but all I see is the skybox. I’ve tried waiting, disabling scripts and so far nothing really works. Everything worked fine before I took a hiatus.

It looks like Players.CharacterAutoLoads may be disabled, which prevents characters from spawning automatically. If it is enabled in Studio, perhaps one of your scripts is disabling it to implement a custom respawn mechanic. You could search for “CharacterAutoLoads” within the View > Find All widget to see if anything is changing it.

Unfortunately it was enabled when I checked and there doesn’t appear to be a script that interferes with it. Is there a chance it may be a problem with the camera?

That’s definitely a possibility. I can take a closer look if you feel comfortable sharing the place file here or via a private message.

I see you are using “Play Here”, is this intentional? Do you get the same results with regular Play Solo (F5) and multiplayer testing?

They all have the same unfortunate result.

Let me enable team create. I’ll send you a collaboration invite.