When people review my game they say my GUIs need to be more "neat"?

Make each button equal size, the border looks quite ugly so I would remove that too.

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I don’t know how to explain but people with OCD can get really triggered. I can point out some things:

The squished camera button image
Fix: set the ImageType to Fit.

They are sized differently and the twitter icon looks out of place image

So like this?, sorry I am a beginner so

Okay basically, spread out the buttons because they are clumped and clumped stuff with different text sizes are really ugly, that picture of the camera screen is stretched making it really ugly, the white and green don’t go together and the contructing sign crosses out a portion of the button leaving that one corner sticking out, the spawn vehicle and that red and white thing that I can’t read can be adjusted too, the round thing is good though.

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Is this Better?

Make it equal width and height, don’t have too much colors and the contrast isn’t great.

So with better contrast

That’s a bit better. I would remove the white border of the buttons and have one color for the text.

So this is good?

I would have around 3-4 colors, you have like 7-8. The buttons should be the same size with the same sized text.
The picture icon and the “How to play” is not center-aligned. Might just be me tho

So final draft should look like this?

roundify is useless now, just use the new UICorners

Padding is inconsistent, so I would change that too.

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This is just a quick rough idea of what your layout could look like.

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That looks nice but how would I round my GUIs

Use the UI-Corner thing 30chars

Here’s how to use it UICorner [Live]

If go to the frame you want to round, hover over it and Click the plus Icon. Type UICorner and click it. Mess around with the properties to change how round you want it to be.


1,0 makes a circle. Just incase you want to make a circle.

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So how does this look?

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Better than before! Still needs some work though.