When playing animation "npc forgets about gravity" and stays up above ground

Hello everybody! I’ve been making some animations latelly and i’m in the red right now. I try to make custom animations for my custom npc’s , f.e. sitting. and I experienced few problems:

1- you cant move whole body, or any part, you just can move through rigs and thats big problem for me
2- why is it? Because i try to make sitting animation as idle and i experience something like on this picture:
3- i tried animating it and i got what i theoritally would like to achieve, but my man just “flies” around and even tho he has no hitboxes under himself he’s still above the ground

help me, please.


The HipHeight of the Humanoid is how high in studs the player is set when standing on the ground. I think it’s normally at 2 for Humanoids. For the animation you may need to set the HipHeight to a lower value.

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