The script probably loads faster than the GUI itself. Try putting the script inside the OpenButton, that might solve it. And/or use :WaitForChild
local Button = ScreenGui:WaitForChild("OpenButton")
This is because you’re not using “MouseButton1Click”, using “Activated” isn’t a valid usage of GUI.
local Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
local PlayerGui = Player.PlayerGui
local Frame = PlayerGui.ScreenGui
local Button = PlayerGui.ScreenGui.OpenButton
frame.Visible = false
But it is, here’s the documentation
“Fires when the button is activated.”
Thank you so much everybody!! Thanks for your time
This detects after it’s been clicked, not to process a click.
I actually worded it wrong, so I apologize, I was meaning it wasn’t a valid use for registering clicks.
I’d recommend putting the LocalScript in the ScreenGui and using this source.
local screengui = script.Parent
local button = screengui:WaitForChild("OpenButton")
local target = screengui:WaitForChild("Frame")
if typeof(target) == 'Instance' and target:IsA("GuiObject") then
target.Visible = true -- or you can do 'target.Visible = not target.Visible' for a toggle.
If something worked, mark a message as solution, so that this can close.
Oh okay, I didn’t know that. In this case, they should reword the documentation, I’m sure I’m not the first one who got confused
Oh yeah for sure, it is confusing. For a little clarification, Activated can be used if you’re going from a script to another, like if you use “MouseButton1Click” in one script, and then another script will pick up when it got activated.
-- Variables
local gui = script.Parent
local Button = gui.OpenButton
local Frame = gui.Frame
-- Function
frame.Visible = false