When pressing a button it should open another gui (not working)



The script probably loads faster than the GUI itself. Try putting the script inside the OpenButton, that might solve it. And/or use :WaitForChild

local Button = ScreenGui:WaitForChild("OpenButton")

This is because youā€™re not using ā€œMouseButton1Clickā€, using ā€œActivatedā€ isnā€™t a valid usage of GUI.

local Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer

local PlayerGui = Player.PlayerGui

local Frame = PlayerGui.ScreenGui

local Button = PlayerGui.ScreenGui.OpenButton

frame.Visible = false

But it is, hereā€™s the documentation
ā€œFires when the button is activated.ā€

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Thank you so much everybody!! Thanks for your time

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This detects after itā€™s been clicked, not to process a click.

I actually worded it wrong, so I apologize, I was meaning it wasnā€™t a valid use for registering clicks.

Iā€™d recommend putting the LocalScript in the ScreenGui and using this source.

local screengui = script.Parent
local button = screengui:WaitForChild("OpenButton")
local target = screengui:WaitForChild("Frame")

	if typeof(target) == 'Instance' and target:IsA("GuiObject") then
		target.Visible = true -- or you can do 'target.Visible = not target.Visible' for a toggle.
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If something worked, mark a message as solution, so that this can close.

Oh okay, I didnā€™t know that. In this case, they should reword the documentation, Iā€™m sure Iā€™m not the first one who got confused

Oh yeah for sure, it is confusing. For a little clarification, Activated can be used if youā€™re going from a script to another, like if you use ā€œMouseButton1Clickā€ in one script, and then another script will pick up when it got activated.

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