Earlier today after clicking some buttons like tab and arrow keys, I noticed some sort of small bug when clicking tab it was highlighting some of the values on the page such as total friends, followers and external websites and when it reached the area of what you’re wearing, it doesn’t go to the next page and changes dots, it just behaves like a scrolling frame.
This happens on the Profile page on the website when you click tab until it shows the players’ avatar items.
It started happening like a couple of hours ago or maybe even weeks since the bug was discovered by a friend of mine; I don’t know when this bug was first noticed or identified but this is the first time I noticed this as well.
Here are some pictures/videos of this bug.
It should move to the next page instead of acting like a scrolling frame on the website which is very strange.
I and @Sharkyia discovered the bug ourselves randomly, so credit for him mostly finding this out.
Steps to reproduce:
Go to anyone’s’ profile page, it can be yours
Press tab a lot until it reaches what the user is wearing
It should behave like a scroll instead of flipping through the pages.
Not true actually, because I disabled my extensions after I posted this bug and it still happened with the scrolling effect that I mention in the post.
It could be a problem with the website since it’s been like that for years now.
What if this isnt a bug? This happens on the devforum too, when you highlight over a clickable button (using tab) and press enter, it acts like the button has been clicked.
This isn’t what we are talking about at all.
Instead of moving to the other page it moves down like a scrolling wheel and cannot be fixed, And there is also no scroll wheel in sight.
No, if you press tab and it highlights over a button, and you press enter, it functions normally like when you click it with a mouse button. The devforum one was an example of the same “issue”
What do you mean by no scroll wheel in sight
Edit: Ah, i misinterpreted the issue. My apologies.
I am in the process of checking over bug reports and following up on some bugs that haven’t received any activity in a while.
Is this issue still occurring or can you confirm that this bug has been resolved?