When redeeming a gift card, do you get more robux by buying premium with the credit instead of directly buying robux?

From what I can see, if I redeem a £20 gift card, if I choose to get Robux, I’d get 2040— but if I choose Premium 2200, wouldn’t I get more robux than I’d get otherwise, and get the perks of being a premium user for a month?

Just asking because I’m not sure if that’s how it works, or if there’s something else going on

Yes, it does! Atleast from my knowledge it’s the same but with the premium perks.

Yep, exactly like that.

Extra Details

If you leave the subscription on, Roblox will auto-renew if you have enough credit for another month.
Or, if you don’t have, the subscription will end around 3 days after the renew date.

I always try to explain this to my friends lol, so far 1 out of 2 understood.