When setting player's Motor6D C0s to follow camera, it's "choppy"

Hello, devs! I’m working on a system that uses player’s arms as a viewmodel to save work on viewmodels and stuff, everything works fine, but when you move the camera, the arms move “choppily” or “lag”.
Here’s footage of that happening :

and here’s the simplified code with explanations of each variable :

upperTorso - Upper torso of player
right/left Shoulder - Right and left shoulder
camera - Current camera
local newRightShoulder = upperTorso.CFrame:ToObjectSpace(camera.CFrame) * CFrame.new(1,-1,0)
local newLeftShoulder = upperTorso.CFrame:ToObjectSpace(camera.CFrame) * CFrame.new(-1,-1,0)
rightShoulder.C0 = newRightShoulder
leftShoulder.C0 = newLeftShoulder
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Use RunService:BindToRenderStep() with the priority Enum.RenderPriority.Camera.Value + 1.

Use Tween or Lerp

local newRightShoulder = upperTorso.CFrame:ToObjectSpace(camera.CFrame) * CFrame.new(1,-1,0)
local newLeftShoulder = upperTorso.CFrame:ToObjectSpace(camera.CFrame) * CFrame.new(-1,-1,0)
rightShoulder.C0 = rightShoulder.C0:Lerp(newRightShoulder, 0.1)
leftShoulder.C0 = leftShoulder.C0:Lerp(newLeftShoulder, 0.1)

Don’t want to because I want to make my own swaying system.

Lerp just makes it smoother? I don’t know what do you want to achieve then.

I want it to stay still so I can apply bobbing and swaying myself.

This sadly didn’t work. Also it only happens in first person.

I had this problem too and the way I fixed it was to:

  1. Have a viewmodel with a Right Arm that has a RightGrip Motor6D in it

  2. Clone the tool

  3. Hide the original tool

  4. Weld the clone to the RightGrip Motor6D of my viewmodel

  5. Every RenderStep, set the Transform property of the viewmodel’s RightGrip to the character’s RightGrip