Hello, my team and I are constructing a game, specifically the lobby right now. However, this happens whenever we test spawn. We are trying to make the lobby similar to Arsenal and PF. It was working fine before, nothing was wrong, but all of sudden, the script broke and this occurs. The scripter has checked all the scripts, and can’t find any mistakes within them. I’m not sure what the fix is for this. Please, help if you can.
It looks like the baseplate’s CanCollide Property is set to false.
If you select the baseplate and scroll around a bit, you should be able to find it no problem.
(BTW It isn’t a property for players, but a property for parts)
you know how when things fall to a certain hight they get deleted? is it possible the spawns below that casuing it to insta kill the player so they respawn at the baseplate?