When the Intellisense box appears and you press enter, it will disappear and reappear

When you are coding in Studio, it is very common that the intellisense box will pop-up, which you would normally just immediately press enter to have it auto-fill the first entry. However what happens is that the box will disappear, stutter, and then re-appear. You can then press enter to have it fill in your desired text.

This issue plagues development.

Expected behavior

Intellisense box appears, you press enter, it fills in the desired text.


Thank you for the bug report - we’ve recently been able to reproduce this issue and are working on a fix.

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We have just flipped a flag which should address this. If you restart Studio - can you still reproduce the issue?

Due to a bug in the refactored hiding logic (see below) we have had to back this flag out. We’ll re-release it when possible.


This is happening to me aswell, shows ontop of every single application. This happens every single time I get an Intellisense box in the command line, cannot close it by clicking away etc.

I have now managed to get 2 intellisense boxes at once.
Both show up ontop of every single application.

I have restarted studio and am still experiencing the same issue.

Interesting, but I think it’s unrelated to this issue. Could you file a separate bug report?

P.S. What OS, and what happens if you press Escape?

Windows 11, and escape does nothing.

I am also unable to file bug reports due to perm levels.

Did this start happening recently, or has it been going on for a while?

Just started happening, possibly when you flipped the FFlag

Thanks for the prompt bug report - I’ve confirmed it was related to the flag I flipped earlier and I have backed the flag out.

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hey i was having the same issue but now my studio just crashes anytime autocomplete shows up period

On any script? In any place? Or is there some specific repro place?

any script, any place, yes. not even sure how to send a repro as i’ve encountered it even after reinstalling studio, restarting pc, trying on different places, trying on different scripts. it doesnt actually crash everytime, auto complete shows up but if i type “Connect(f” when it should show the autocomplete for function the studio crashes entirely.

Please restart Studio and try again, I’ve backed out a different flag which might be causing this.

P.S. Which event are you connecting to when you see this?

Just tested and its working perfectly now :+1:

If you’re curious though i tested it on changed and getpropertychangedsignal and they both led to the same crash

Curious - I don’t see the crash even with the flag. What type of Instance were you working with?

An integer value, however when I tested in another place I believe I tried the changed event on the workspace and it gave me the same issue.