When turning around in car camera becomes extremely glitchy

I’m trying to recreate the spring based car camera that was shown in GDC 2020:

However I’m running into an issue where when I turn my car around,i t causes the camera to fling all over the place, I’m not exactly sure what is causing this.

My Code:

local CameraOffset = CFrame.new(0,4,16)

local springModule = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Spring)
local positionSpring = springModule.new(Vector3.new())
local anglesSpring = springModule.new(Vector3.new())

local function getPositionAndAnglesFromCFrame(cf)
	return cf.Position, Vector3.new(cf:ToEulerAnglesXYZ())

local function getCFrameFromPositionAndAngles(pos, ang)
	return CFrame.new(pos) * CFrame.Angles(ang.X, ang.Y, ang.Z)

local function updateCamera()
	positionSpring.d = workspace.Damping.Value
	positionSpring.s = workspace.Speed.Value

	anglesSpring.d = workspace.Damping.Value
	anglesSpring.s = workspace.Speed.Value

	local carCFrame = car.VehicleSeat.CFrame
	local cameraCFrameGoal = carCFrame * CameraOffset

	-- Convert camera cframe into linear spaces
	local cameraPositionGoal, 
	cameraAnglesGoal = getPositionAndAnglesFromCFrame(cameraCFrameGoal)

	--local previousCameraAnglesGoal = anglesSpring.t
	--local cameraAnglesGoal = getClosestAngles(rawCameraAnglesGoal, previousCameraAnglesGoal)

	positionSpring.t = cameraPositionGoal
	anglesSpring.t = cameraAnglesGoal

	local cameraPosition = positionSpring.p
	local cameraAngles = anglesSpring.p

	-- Convert back into cframe
	local finalCameraCFrame = getCFrameFromPositionAndAngles(

	workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable
	workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame = finalCameraCFrame

I think it may have to do with the missing function getClosestAngles that was shown in the GDC video, but I have no idea what formula was used to figure this out.

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Have you found a fix? i got the same issue