When wearing layered clothing, any rapid BasePart updates will cause massive frame drops

The title describes it all. The example I used here is color on a tool’s handle, and zooming in and out, but it also affects Transparency/LocalTransparency, size, new BaseParts created/parented to the character. It means anything rainbow or anything that tweens color, size or transparency of a BasePart in a Humanoid character which has LC causes framedrops.
I suspect the Layered clothes recalculates everything whenever anything BasePart related gets updated, which is fair, but why not wait until a new WrapLayer or a new WrapTarget gets appended to the character…?

This renders our game practically unenjoyable for a long period of time, because lets be honest, framedrops SUCK.

Reproduction steps:

  1. Equip layered clothing on your avatar
  2. Do any of the actions above rapidly (for example, create a tool that constantly changes color, or zoom in and out of first person.)

Visual Aids:
Color example.

Zooming in and out example.

Rapidly equipping a tool example.

System Information:

  • GPU - NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080
  • CPU - AMD Ryzen 7 5800X 8-Core Processor @ 3.80 GHz
  • RAM - 32.0 GB @ 3200 MHz

Expected behavior

Frames shouldn’t drop whenever I, for example, have a rainbow element in my avatar.

Edit: Only just now realised that this has been reiterated over and over again
Delay when creating/destroying local objects inside character while using layered clothing - Bug Reports / Engine Bugs - Developer Forum | Roblox
but it’s been almost a whole year, and it seemed to work fine for a little while, and now its back. I’m adding onto the fire, but I genuinely just want our game to be an enjoyable experience, without any framedrops caused by the engine.

A private message is associated with this bug report


Yes, this is a known issue that we’re actively working on, thanks for your patience. We will take a look at your example to see if there are any workarounds you could use in the meantime.



I ended up making proxy parts that I put in workspace to rapidly change the colour when necessary.
I REALLY hope this ends up getting fixed, because its still pretty easy to lag out other players by spam equipping tools in-game :[

Best of luck to you, I hope it wont be too difficult to figure out.

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