When you search specific words they will get tagged within the marketplace search

Typing “Horns” or “Horn” hashtags and doesn’t come up with any results as it turns into hashtags.

This is a big issue as there are groups who have links in their description for other accessories which are completely broken, it affects our sales as users are unable to find specific items they require. I’ve noticed this issue persists when I type it in lower-case sometimes too, this usually happens after I’ve tried searching using a uppercase H for horns.

Expected behavior

I expect to be able to click links that are in descriptions and have them not tag within the search bar, I don’t think filtering searches should be a thing on the users side, I do think filters should only be in place where other people can see it alongside the user who typed it.

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Is there any update to this? This issue still persists and is affecting links in the description of a lot of my accessories.

Thanks for the report! Just to confirm, we have a ticket filed and we’ll follow up when we have an update for you.