Whenever i negate a part out of a model it colors the rim of the model

how do i fix this problem?

when i negate a model it leaves an outline

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Go into your File>Studio Settings>Physics and at the bottom is Enable Legacy CSG. It looks like you have that box checked true.
The original CSG system that Roblox had would colour the faces you Negated out of a Union with the colour of the Negated Part.
Uncheck the box.
I’d recommend using just normal Parts for a build like this since if you cut holes in big Parts to make Unions then the holes don’t always let you pass through them.


i cant seem to find that setting for some reason, is it because im in a team create file?

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Does Team Create have the name “File” in the top toolbar?
If so click it, then the Studio Settings from that drop-down menu.
In the window that pops up go to the left-hand menu and select “Physics”.
At the bottom is a checkbox for “Enable Legacy CSG”.

I’m not sure if you can do that in Team Create if you are invited to Team Create though, it may only be the Place creator’s option.

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hrmmm, theres a file button then a physics button but no checkbox for CSG

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Try making the negate part the same color/material as the other part.

Also, why even use negate here? You can split the wall into multiple parts and achieve the same effect.


Have you tried in your standard Studio sessions?
Normally when you click Physics on the left side the info pops up in the RH side.
Scroll down to the bottom of the choices in the RH window and (in mine at least) the Enable Legacy CSG checkbox is last on the list of about 20 items.

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however im going to use that model alot so it would increse the game lag alot

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The just… union it after doing so instead of using negate?

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How many Parts would the wall be?
Unions are kinda messy, and can create lag than just a bunch of Parts if you’re not careful.

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it will soon be a big base in an “army game”

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in beta functions, You must disable the CSG 3

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ok, thanks. ill try that right now!

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So I’ve also had this issue for a while. I looked into it and found out it is bypassable if you recolor all parts in the beginning, and then, every time you negate a part, you change the color and material again.

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This is an old post. Many things have changed since then.
Now you can just click the ‘UsePartColor’ Property, which resets the entire Color to whatever you choose.


Choose the Union part, then from Properties enable “UsePartColor”

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