Hey so a while back I got a plugin called “Script Presets” and whenever I make a script it automatically injects code into the script as a preset set by me. The thing is though that the user that made it got terminated off of Roblox, and I’m just finding out about this. The plugin is also taken down from the marketplace, and that just gives the impression that the plugin possibly could have had some malware. I need to find where the plugin is located on my PC so I can debug it, but I can’t find it. If anyone knows anything about the path, lmk. Thanks.
Info: the user who made it was called “o3_o2” and the plugin id was “13057615264”
Thanks! The plugin loooks safe from where I can see it. Now I’m just confused about the user behind it because there was a pull request to github to get the version number, and that user is terminated as well… I might as well also publish the plugin as my own.