Where can I find scripts used in HopperBin gametool?

I am working on a snap-to-grid part grabbing system, and I really like how the original Roblox’s GameTool (AKA move tool) snaps to the other parts. Naturally, I wanted to see the scripts used in it. However, due to the fact that it’s a HopperBin, I have no way of seeing its scripts in studio. Does anyone have these scripts or know a way to access them?


ExampleDragger.rbxmx (758.9 KB)
The link above is the whole dragger framework, as an example plugin.
Just in case it helps.

I believe the scripts are in C++. I might be able to recreate it though.

Well I have nothing but you can still use hopper bins?

local function newhopperbin(hopperbintype,name,parent)local hopperBin=Instance.new("HopperBin")hopperbin.BinType=hopperbintype hopperBin.Name=name hopperBin.Parent=parent end