Hello! So I am building this Spawn House for my game called ‘Grey’s Casual Hangout Game’ and I wanted to know if I could get a grid texture similar like this.
Right now I’m using Roblox’s Terrain Material feature and I don’t really know if that would transfer over to the actual gameplay but I think it looks nice so I wanted to see if I can get the actual material and if not I guess I could just use Studs, Welds, and other stuff but I don’t really want to do that because it’s too common. Does anyone have a idea that could help?
I already tried using custom grid textures from the toolbox and I don’t like it as much as because one of them is not the right darkness and also the other one I tried wasn’t even the right kind I wanted.
For clarification are you looking for the texture in your attached image or looking for something similar?
Any of those seem like something you’re after?