Where do i start as a builder

So, I always wanted to be a roblox coder but i just don’t think that i’m not ready to be a roblox coder.
So, instead i want to be a roblox builder so i can get comfortable with the studio more and when I learn scripting it will not be a big Problem for me constantly searching up youtube tutorials on “how to make this effect” that are a big waist of my time. But I know the helpful community i could ask. So, as a very beginner builder where do I start or begin.

Thank you for your time.


Building is a very broad category and it all boils down to exactly what you want to learn, if it’s more advanced topics such as importing meshes, PBR, tips and tricks its best to look them up individually here on the dev forum. If you want the basics of building on Roblox here are some good videos to help you get started, then once done with the video’s do what I said and start looking down advanced paths one by one. Good Luck! https://youtu.be/p005iduooyw?feature=shared


You can start by building a house and the more experienced you get you can put detail into the house and much more!


In addition to what has already been said, I would suggest trying to replicate simple objects, and then increasing the complexity. You could start with things like furniture, drinking glasses, TV screens, etc. Basically anything that can be divided into a rather small amount of blocks, wedges, and cylinders.

I would suggest avoiding more organic models until you feel that you have a good grasp of the fundamentals. I would also suggest avoiding unions at the start, but you could incorporate them later on for more complex shapes, though I’d suggest exporting finished unions to a .obj file and then replacing the union with a MeshPart with that file as the MeshID, as they can be quite unstable.

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The best method to start is by creating a solid foundation.

Try to make builds that are easy and that you enjoy creating. EX: Houses, PC and a lot of square items (they are easier than circles. LOL)

Once you have the base, make detailed builds (if you don’t know how to do it or have questions, search YouTube for SPEEDBUILD or Cafune7 ).
The best learning is to practice and see a professional doing it. :+1:

I hope you can follow this journey, bye. :v:


Use free models at first too get ideas on how you should build your buildings or whatever yiou are modeling. Then after you get a basic idea on how to build start making buildings of your own

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personally, i’m scripter, but building is nice too and my close friend work in graphics 3D soo i’m working with models and all of those stuff very often, soo to start building you have to find inspiration, and ask yourself: is it very good for me?, do i like it or not? then try to play some sandbox games in roblox or outside of it to practice creating something, you can use minecraft for that, it’s very easy to use and good or maybe play some games inside roblox like build a boat or plane crazy where you can build pretty nice things.

After that you can go into studio, learn all basics of it, learn how to make objects, how comfortable use some tools and learn some tricks how to speed up your work. (Note: remember you can change move and rotate, when i was young i turned it on and i didn’t know what happening soo… yea.)

When you learned basics, you can start creating, there are plenty way how to build: make a physical objects, model in 3D, build from blocks inside studio. Everything is your choice, remember that every of those are requirements in some games, in others don’t.

Soo about Physical Objects:

Good for car games, maybe some in FPS or where advanced tools apear and in roleplay games, you need to know physics and how to connect parts together to make it work.

About Models3D:

what can i talk, it’s more detailed than building and it’s more optimized for details,
but sometimes bad for realistic buildings with interiors, you can use it to model assets like trees, rocks, ect.

About Building:

Good for openworld games where you have interiors or fancy places, it’s hard as modeling sometimes, but usually easier (smaller details ect.) because it’s in studio, it’s the most beginer friendly and i recomend it to you.

Soo now tips and tricks:

  1. Don’t use textures for something you’ll never see like parts behind wall ect.

  2. Don’t use many unions, they are not optimized, if you even using them, set collision fidelty to Box or Hull soo it will don’t cause lag spikes in large groups

  3. Try to use some parts for two things at once (Two sided shop shelves and two sided walls)

  4. Don’t overcrowd parts, and anchor them if don’t needed to be physical

There are many of ways you can learn, as i told i’m scripter and i’m at all not that good, soo maybe ask some profesional builders if you know them or maybe experiment with free models and analyse how they are build, it’s not only for coding but for building too, you can use some techniques or tricks, i mention few above.