Where do I store NPC information for scripts also used by players?

Currently I want this dummy npc to constantly attack for testing purposes, but I don’t have a system in place to detect what weapon the dummy is using. I want it to use the default weapon which for me is Fists. However, since I check for weapons using the attribute stored in players I run into a error.

I know I’ll be using actual hostile NPCs later on so I want to ask where I store this information at sooner.

Here’s the code applied to every player (Unfinished):

local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local ServerStorage = game:GetService("ServerStorage")

local Attributes = require(ServerStorage.Modules.GameModules.Attributes)

local Player = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(script.Parent)
local Character = script.Parent

local Weapon = Player:GetAttribute("Weapon")

Character.Parent = workspace.Entities.Alive
Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = workspace.SpawnLocation.CFrame


Player:SetAttribute("Weapon", "Fists")

	local CurrentAction = Character:GetAttribute("Action")
	-- unfinished -- 

Here’s a example of the code used to detect attacks

local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local WeaponSettings = require(ServerStorage.Modules.CombatModules.WeaponSettings) -- This is the weapon data stuff

local Lights = {}

function Lights:Start(Character : Instance)
  local Player = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Character)
  local Humanoid = Character.Humanoid
  local Weapon = Player:GetAttribute("Weapon") -- This is how I get the weapon

  -- Rest of the code.

return Lights

As you can see from the script, it’s not possible to check any NPC for their weapon since the way I do it is through the player, not the character. I could attach the attribute to the character but the weapon attribute isn’t a constantly changing stat so I don’t want to try that solution just yet.

Should I make a big table storing the information of all the NPCs or maybe Every NPC and Player? I’m not really sure what to do.