Where I should store Items for my RPG game? In Server storage or in Replicated storage?

I’m currently working on my first RPG game that have inventory system mechanics and I’m wondering, where should I save all items in the game to give them to players in future when needed?

I already created a system where it stores in ServerStorage but I think that will be a bit complicated because of extra server loading and network loading with RemoteEvents. So, will it be better if I save them in ReplicatedStorage so player can load them by himself? Or will it cause some exploiting problems?

replicated storage would be better because u can preloadasync them in the client, so its better, and if ure worried about the exploits, i dont think they can exploit that, even if they clone it to their character, the server will ignore that changes because the instance is not created by the server, just make sure to make a security on the server-side like whenever the player sends a remote event telling the server to deal damage, ignore that, instead the server should only listen to a player sending remote event that they decided to attack, then the server will check if their cooldown is finish (the cooldown should be handled by the server) then the server also handles the attack and dealing damages

So, in practice targets, it’s just doesnt matter? Or will it be more optimazed to save them in Replicated storage? For not reaching RemoteEvents limits and etc.?

yea, client cannot create new instance that the server will acknowledge because server only cares about the instances that are created by it, the only thing the client can control that the server listens to is the position of an unanchored parts that are within the client’s networkownership, if you also dont want that, just set the network ownership of every unanchored parts u create into nil

local Part = Instance.new("Part")


this places the ownership of the part to the server

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Depends on if you care if the player can see the items or not. But for an item to be loaded to all players in the server it has to be loaded via the server. So honestly choose whatever you like.

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mhm, got it, I think it will be better to create that folder, that contains every item in replicated storage to optimaze the game perfomance, and after your exlanation I’m not afraid hackers anymore, because they wont do anything bad, because the real state of player items saved only on server side. Okey, Ill close the topic, thank you


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