Hello everyone, my name is sean. I have been playing on the roblox platform since 2019 and i’ve been programming and building since then but i’ve been having a problem recently, so i’ve been trying to secure my games with anti exploits but there is a explorer called dark dex that exploiters use to find stuff inside almost any roblox game so that means they can use dark dex to delete local scripts, objects and anti exploits from my games and i’ve been wondering about the best place for them to be stored in!
you don’t have to make a new post to change the category fyi
Hiding them inside, server storage, server script service, will hide them on the server and guarantee secured scripts, although if its a local script u cant do much about it, cause the client needs to read the client scripts and be able to access them, u can change their name every 1 second to a random generated 32 character key but it still wont do much.
also terribly inefficient, since it won’t do anything. they’re gonna be searching for the script by class, not name
it wouldn’t even show up in dex
if the serverscriptservice or serverstorage class doesn’t show then doesn’t that mean the scripts inside them wouldn’t show?
not to the client no, you can’t read server scripts anyway on the client , only local ones