Where should bullet tracers be handled?

Hello, I’ve recently started to take an interest in making scripts regarding guns, now I have currently come to a crossroad regarding on whether I should run my bullet tracers Server Sided or Client Sided (via FireAllClients in a ModuleScript) I’ve tried both methods and they seem to work fine, but both methods seems to have their pros and cons.

When I run the Tracers locally, I notice a bit of a delay from when the tracers come out of the gun and from the time the gun was shot (Especially noticeable when moving), if I run them Server Sided, I notice a bit of lag when too much Tracers come into play. Nonetheless I prefer the Client Sided version and was hoping to find any help or insight on what I could do to improve upon my methods.

The way my Tracers work is that it fires the TracersModule with the appropriate parameters after the Raycast has been made from the Gun to the Mouse Target. After the TracersModule receives said parameters, then it makes attachments with beams tween to the designated position with varying tween speeds depending on range.

I would like to know from somebody with experience in making guns/tracers before on how they overcame these obstacles if possible, Thanks!


The bullet traces for the player firing the weapon should be done immediately in the local script for the weapon to provide the most realistic experience. All other clients should then be told (using remotes via the server) to replicate the traces.


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