Where to hide rooms that players shouldn't see but can teleport to?

Where can I hide a room that players can teleport to, but that they can’t be able to find on the map? I would put it extremely far away, but since players can teleport to it I am concerned that this would take a lot more memory. Is this the case? Alternatively, I don’t want players to find it either…


Make the room another Place and teleport the player to that Place.

Or you could put the room below the map


You could load the room in when the player gets teleported and unload it again when they go back. If you do this on the client you wont see the rooms of others or your own if you are in the normal map which I think is what you’re aiming for.


This is a good idea. I can only think of using server storage for storage, but the a local script wouldn’t have access to load it in from there. How do you recommend to load it in from the client?


ReplicatedStorage should allow you to load rooms from the client


Great! I will do that thanks. Just to check, server scripts will still have access to the part that is loaded in on the client right? Specifically, if a proximity prompt is triggered there?


it depends. i did a bit of testing and it seems that server scripts can work with proximity prompts as long as stored inside something that’s loaded by the server. So like if you’re handling prompts from a script in ServerScriptService or something it’ll be fine but if the script is contained inside the prompt that’s being loaded only on the client it won’t work


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