Where to put player in main menu?

Sorry Im not sure if this is the right category but; I’m making a main menu and I dont want the players to be in game yet so how would I do that exactly?


If I am reading this right, you basically don’t want player to spawn yet when they join the game. If this is so, it’s simple you just turn off CharacterAutoLoads under players.

Oh wow seriously dang, but how would I make them load back tho when I want them to spawn

@WeeniesWrath Also when I do that the UI doesnt show up either

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command is


But the main menu wont load if I use CharacterAutoLoads

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You mean ScreenGui? Ah yes, it wont load, i have no idea how to force it to load…

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StarterGUI and PlayerGUI are bound to the character, when the character respawns old UI is destroyed and new ones from other sources are put in. If the character doesn’t spawn, StarterGui is basically useless.

If I understand what u mean, just place the ui in ReplicatedStorage. The reason is simple, if u want to display it to the player once and only once, u can clone it from a server script or use a remote event to clone it and place it in players playergui

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Alright now thats what im talkin about using that big brain @candy666786

Thanks ill get back to you with progress

You could also just keep character auto loads on, and when they first join, teleport them to a place far from the map. When they are done on the main menu, teleport them back.

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Thats true I could actually do this but I want it to be very clean

You should make a player “Cage” for people who aren’t in the game yet. Then once they press play it TPs them to the player spawn point. I use this technique in most of my games.

Yes u can do that, also u can create a model in the workspace which is named as “Menu” or something, that will distinguish them from the players actually playing


Thank you so much its sooooo cleannn

Marked you as my solution!

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I finished the fanart you asked for last week!

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Looks great I love it!

A bit smudged tho

I will fix that and be right back!

You can disable GUI respawning on a Character respawn, not sure if that would actually add the StarterGUI’s to the PlayerGUI however.

No, youd have to clone it into the players PlayerGui via a remote or player added event on the server

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Fixed the smudge!