Where to put player values?

If I have a player and they have many different currencies. Where do I store those currencies, so it doesn’t get accessed by an exploiter and changed?

I thought about using attributes since they don’t get replicated to the server if changed by the client, but if I need to access the currencies from a local script that would be an issue since if a hacker changed a value to 20 when it was 10. It would return 10 from a server script but return 20 from a local script.

Any help would be appreciated!

Have you tried leaderstats???

It only changes for the hacker’s local script, so it doesn’t matter if it’s 20 on their screen

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You should make your game’s logic mainly run on the server. Only local events and UI should be run on the client.

This varies from game to game of course.

leaderstats will display which I don’t want

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Leaderstats is only a folder inside Player. If you don’t want it displayed, just call it something else than “leadertstats”. A common used Folder-name is “PlayerData”.