Where to report scams of Talent Hub?

Hey Developers,

I recently worked for a game that I found on Talent Hub, which scammed me,I am keeping the link of that scam publicly because I don’t want another person applying for that.
Link: Talent Hub Job Post

Link to the profile of the scammers:

And after doing 50% of the work roughly he started to argue and send bad words.

And I filmed this entire conversation with every proof that will expose him.
Where should I report them?

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If you filmed it, then maybe call support?
Unless you did that already

Roblox Support?

or is there a Talent Hub Support?

Roblox support

Hopefully if works for you

Alright I will report to Roblox Support, thank you.

Those scam group members are hiring more and more developers, and scamming them

They just added someone new
The group link: wуа - Roblox

why not just troll them since they scam people?

There is a difference between them and us
That’s why I am not doing the same


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