In the real world, light keeps going until it hits something. Or until it dims out. But in Roblox for point lights, the max range is 60 studs, which is small. How would I get a light source so bright that it can make a crescent shape on circular objects, but so far they could be planet sized?
But in Roblox for point lights, the max range is 60 studs, which is small
This is no doubt because adding the ability for infinite or incredibly large light sources would take a very, very large portion of the game’s rendering up.
Here’s what I would do:
What’s the highest/furthest point a player or object will be in your game?
Is this light-emitting object moving or stationary?
After finding my answer to those, I’d duplicate light sources of the desired range and angle in a line to that point, like this:
Then, I’d add these lights and the source to one model, and if it’s mobile: I’d script to rotate around a pivot point, say, the planet the player is on:
That’s the best work-around I can think of. Other than that, you can’t make an infinitely long light source. You could try suggesting it as a feature, though I don’t think it will be favoured.