Where would one start at making a "shifting origin"

Like explained here: Loss of precision causes game breaking issues at distances far from origin - #24 by SenetGaming
I have the same problem and I wonder what is the best place to start. Is it something that can be made inside roblox or not?

Ill start with a few questions I suppose

Are the long distances avoidable in any way?
How far away dies it become noticeable?
What are the issues which lead you to believe it’s because of floating point issues?
How big is your map?

I have a mesh model of a plane cockpit and the more I fly up the more it gets glitchy and it starts shifting around. no matter what map I use and it starts around 2-3k studs

and if I go higher the plane starts doing the same thing around the windows and exc, so its not the map thats glitching but the plane is

Does it have to go really high? or is it demonstrating what happens to roblox when a character goes way up?

If its not a demonstration, try using portals of one way or another, make separate sections of action, in one place the player is in overworld, the place everyone lives, then when it reaches a certain height it goes transported into a galactic place where the players there see everything as a galaxy. Or just teleport them to a different place in the same game.

I have no idea what exactly can be done to fix it, but maybe you can go around it instead of fixing the problem itself. If you have a huge bear about to kill you you can’t fix their life problems to make them not kill you, you just go around it and hope nothing happens.

well yea its a plane it has to go up high, and its not like this problem starts at really high altitudes

but it also doesnt need to go to space it just needs to go up a certain height but it starts bugging out

and in the post I provided air x has solved this by recentering origin or something, but again I have no idea where to start

its not a viable solution to add teleporters sadly

Well, do you think you could put the lowest point of death (the point in which everything dies when they cross the boundary) really low, so that the players can use the negative position to benefit once they try to use a positive position?

So if your game uses the range of 0 to 1000 but the game only supports to 500, make the map start at -500 so the highest point is 500?

nope, this would mess with my plane gauges and displays for altitude

offset the plane gauges by 500, that way -500 in the workspace will be 0 and 500 will be 1000 (i do realize you probably already found this out, but just saying just in case you wanted to return to the project a few years later cause you couldnt find a solution, lol)