Greetings! I recently made an Artstyle that is just textures slapped on every single part. While this may cost some performance, I have an API that turns them off by default.
However, while working on this artstyle, MarioKart 8 DLC released, and I kind of liked it better than my style.
I feel like the first design doesn’t quite show what your game is about, instead of recreating an already made scene consider taking inspiration from it with original ideas implemented into it.
Throwing in your own ideas to make it more unique and interesting to players view. The design of your actual game has to be featured within the art style, as that’s gonna give an idea to players about what your game is about. (The 2nd option attached below gives a more clearer point on what players expect to see “Information about the game” when being brought in).
Your first screenshot is just a picture of a wood texture. There’s nothing showing anything regarding artstyle. Show off some track decoration and design for us to get a better understanding of what you’re trying to accomplish here.