Hello, I’m working on small projects 1 at a time to better my game-dev skills. I’m working on a first person realism test, and I was wondering which of these blinks looks cleaner / better. A few details:
1 - This one is rather mundane but gets the job done well and is pretty good imo. It uses tweens to close and open.
2 - This one took a really long time to create and adjust. It uses 5 frames (to close, and the same frames but in reverse to re-open) but runs at a stupidly high FPS. To me, it looks slightly strange though, albeit quite realistic.
Here are the videos (as streamable links):
1 - First Person Realism Test - Roblox Studio 2023-02-11 18-45-59
2 - First Person Realism Test - Roblox Studio 2023-02-11 18-32-56
I’d like to know
try to make them just a little more hide, but not totally or put completely invisible, see what you like more, but that both options for me are already good.
I’d rather say to make it a bit quicker and add triggers such as: if you look up in the rain you are closing your eyes but not completely, or the same in scripted wind for example. Would be great additions.
Honestly, the blinking could also be dependent on the environment. As I said above: scripted environments could have an impact on the blinking. Another is character actions, if you are constantly moving, the blinking is a bit faster or if you are idle for so long is slows down.