Which Blinking System looks better?

Hello, I’m working on small projects 1 at a time to better my game-dev skills. I’m working on a first person realism test, and I was wondering which of these blinks looks cleaner / better. A few details:
1 - This one is rather mundane but gets the job done well and is pretty good imo. It uses tweens to close and open.
2 - This one took a really long time to create and adjust. It uses 5 frames (to close, and the same frames but in reverse to re-open) but runs at a stupidly high FPS. To me, it looks slightly strange though, albeit quite realistic.
Here are the videos (as streamable links):
1 - First Person Realism Test - Roblox Studio 2023-02-11 18-45-59
2 - First Person Realism Test - Roblox Studio 2023-02-11 18-32-56
I’d like to know

  • which one is better
  • how can I improve it or both of them

Thanks a lot


bump bump, I’d really appreciate some feedback.

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I think the first is better.

Or maybe the second would be even better, if you don’t make the parts so visible when not blinking.


Thanks a lot!
Should I recede (bring back) them or just make them completely invisible when not blinking?


try to make them just a little more hide, but not totally or put completely invisible, see what you like more, but that both options for me are already good.

I’d rather say to make it a bit quicker and add triggers such as: if you look up in the rain you are closing your eyes but not completely, or the same in scripted wind for example. Would be great additions.

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First one for me.
And make it a little bit quicker maybe, usually you dont blink as slow.

The first one is starting to grow on me, I quite like its simplicity, and the average player would like this too perhaps.

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That’s a great idea! I hadn’t thought of that at all, and it seems so cool!

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Honestly, the blinking could also be dependent on the environment. As I said above: scripted environments could have an impact on the blinking. Another is character actions, if you are constantly moving, the blinking is a bit faster or if you are idle for so long is slows down.


Another great idea! I will definitely consider these in my game (it’s a demo for an upcoming game idea that I have)!


Personally, I think the first one is better, but the second one is more realistic if you’re going to realism.


I feel like 1 is so much better. Maybe thats just my bland personality?

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second one.
to improve it, make it really quick like less than a second

remove those movie-frame-like black areas. It makes the game extremely unrealistic.

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First one.
Also, I’m pretty sure we move our top eyelid to the bottom. I don’t think they meet in the middle.

Your bottom eyelid moves a bit, but I will definitely adjust this. Good spot!

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