Which color scheme do I go with?

I’m trying to redo color schemes for my little project here. Which do you think looks better?




I think #1 looks nicer to be honest.


#2 feels a bit too dark. #1 is bright and happy and feels like a fun mall. (At least I’m guessing it’s a mall.)


How about trying a mix? I like #2 more than #1 but it is indeed a tad dark.

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tbh I’m not too fond of either, I think the red goes better with #1 but def doesn’t go with #2

I’ll keep it #1 for now. Trying to figure out a color scheme that works is hard. Most malls are just all white or grey in color from what I’ve found online.

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#1 IS definitely the best one. What exactly is the project about?

I’m basically building a Zombie survival type game where you’re barricaded inside a mall. If you’ve ever played Deadrising, that’s the inspiration.

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#2 is good IMO… It gives me that “dead Center” (Campaign in l4d2) vibes (Maybe make it darker if it’s abandoned).