Which colors/materials should I use for a realistic game?

Please tell me what colors or materials you recommend for realistic games! I already use linen.

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Well, it really depends what you want to achieve? What type of game are you looking to construct?

Well, I am trying to make a Valorant inspired game with maps based on movies or real life.

Here is a pic.


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Well, for what I see, I would firstly suggest making sure you have your terrain how you want, adding small dunes in the sand, maybe larger hills in the distance. Textures, for realism I would suggest utilising different concrete, brick and asphalt textures for roads and walls, using darker colours for the brick surfaces or concrete as I would say lighter colours such as light aesthetic blues, greens, yellows pinks I recommend using on smooth plastic textures (not realistic in my opinion). My main advice is look at realistic reference photos! These are your best bet at achieving a end result which is realistic. My final piece of advice would be utilise lighting! It is key to making your game look aesthetically pleasing and realistic. Depth of Field would be great to use in this desert environment giving the haze effect of heat in the distance, and sunrays effect too (i’d advise also messing around with the colour corrections too!)

I hope this can be of help to you, and solved some of your questions. Keep us posted! :smiley:

Please do not use the Cool Creations category for development questions, pick one of the other support categories that best suits your question. I’ve recategorised this to Art Design Support since it relates to graphics, but you may find another category (e.g. Building Support) more appropriate for the thread.

If you build features around a desert theme you should add different props in order to fit that realistic approach (the thread isn’t quite clear are you looking for colors to be placed on the builds or the road, bridge, terrain ect)?

If you look at different games that fall under “valorant” you’ll see it features a variety of materials and color choice you just need to experiment instill you find the perfect one or the one that suits your liking if you’re more focused on what materials should my current objects that are placed be.

I would perhaps throw a road texture with cracks and black marks on the road from the bridge you should try for lighter grey colors with a stone material placed on it, or stone with a little don’t just place random textures or materials for the entire buildings if they don’t fit or look appealing because it’ll just look basic in a sort of way.

Look at the images and you’ll see it featured a hand full of color selection and materials - textures, experiment then builds your way up but still feature those, same shade of colors. If you’re inspired by movies or builds that fall under valorant see the variety of colors and materials they use and see what you can do to yours. There’s always different ways to go about this, you just have to experiment.

Well it’s not really a desert theme. That is just one of the maps I am still finishing up. I am just look for realistic colors overall

That’s understandable what theme is the game going to be set i was just assuming your game features a desert sand theme. What colors are you normally talking about the structure of the building, bridge, lighting source ect? If your looking for realistic approaches just experiment and see something you like and go from there basically wait instill you set a atmosphere that you like.

Your including different tips and suggestions and just playing around you’ll find something you like and if you want to create your own custom textures, or looking for realistic materials or textures, there’s a site about going about this if this is ever needed later down the line.

You’ll need to work on your game a bit more it’s a little too early to select which colors, materials to use for the game since the layout isn’t properly done I would try being more specific on what the materials and colors will be placed the ground, buildings props? Experiment instill you find a selection of materials - colors you like.